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ECON 171 - Decision Under Uncertainty (Du)

I started tutoring for Econ 171 in Fall of 2001 when Prof Groves taught the course. I subsequently tutored for it two or three quarter a year. This will be, approximately, the 50th quarter that I have tutored for Econ 171.

It is one of my favorite topics. We face uncertainly through out our lives and this course provides a useful framework for understanding it. Tutoring this course for so many years has definitely shaped how I view and respond to the world.

This is the second time that Prof Du has taught the course. The first time was last spring.

Since the Fall 2007, Prof Newhouse has been the primary instructor for Econ 171 and last spring Prof Du followed his syllabus. He even used Prof Newhouse practice exam! This is fairly common for new instructors.

However as Prof Du gets more comfortable with the material, the course will evolve as he bends the course toward his perspective and adds his favorite topics.

Prof Du also teaches Econ 100C. I tutor for those classes. As a result, I am familiar with his teaching style. He is more mathematical than most instructors, but his courses are not too difficult. Challenging but not overwhelming.

Last Spring, Prof Du assigned 5 problem sets, had two midterms and a final. He will probably do the same this quarter, but he may add a 6th problem set. I will have reviews for all the problem sets, both midterms and the final.

The problem set are helpful, but the problems from the old exams will be more important. Remember that the course is still evolving and Prof Du will be adding new topics. You must carefully study his lecture notes for any examples that he presents in class.

The following schedule is tentative, as I do not know when Prof Du will assign his problem sets.

Topic Date Time   Cost Action
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